Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Blog Experience

Our Mom/ Secretary is working to get us started bloggging. Please check back soon to see our newly constructed work of art and to learn all about us growing up labbie in the Land of Lincoln!


  1. Hey Thanks for stopping by and the suggestion. I like to be able to unlatch the gate from both sides when I am working in the yard is the trouble with the hasp latch (fence is too tall for me to reach over). I need to figure out something though b/c I still have to check both gates every time I let him out... it is a real bummer. Hmmm Maybe I can put that type on one gate and only have to check the other one... hmmm you have me thinking. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your blog up and running!
    Moose + Dana
    Cool live traffic feed I will have to look into that!

  2. Oh boy. My stupid pee-wee brother is all excisted about meeting more labradudes. I'm sure he'll be checking back for photos.

