Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back in the day, when I was a young pup.

Boy does this bring back memories. I was a small only child. This is me Bailey with my pet humans pretend kid Bradley and neighbor kid. I remember this day well playing in piles of leaves and riding a sk8board. I knew then that I was going to have a good life. Put your paws in the air! Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff!

Cone Head Bailey

Ruff everyone,
This is a picture of me, Bailey, when I had an allergic reaction to my shampoo. Out of site in this pic is my bum which I scratched until it was very sore and I did it so fast that when Mom saw it we had to go immediately to the emergency V.E.T!It is an old picture, but since my pet humans don't have any recent ones I am posting this one. Even with the cone I am the most handsomest of us all, even though Rugus thinks he is. My humans wanted me from a puppy and I came to their house when I was 10 weeks old. I was very upset that I did not get to go to their wedding, but I was not done weening from my mommy yet. I'm gonna go find some more pictures so wish me luck.
Ruff at ya laters.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pictureless Thursday

Some Pups have Wordless Wednesdays or True color Thursdays, but our Secretary today is lame and she is posting Pictureless Thursday! Why would she do such a thing? Well, Mom forgot to pick up batteries on the last running of the errands and the camera is temporarily out of commission. Anyways, we thought we would tell you all about our sweet little neighbordog on our pictureless Thursday. Luckily, we live in a dog friendly neighborhood that is about a block from one of the nicest parks in the city. Most people have a couple of pups at every house nearby and we are pretty good neighborhood protection. Normally, we are quiet unless there are strangers in the neighborhood and then all the pups give a shout out to let them know they are being watched. A few months ago, we got a new neighbor dog. She is a sweet little beagle and her humans walk her at regular intervals throughout the day. However, since moving to the neighborhood she has started this habit of being the last dog to check the neighborhood out at night. Oddly enough, we are restless until she lets us know everything is okay. We have our last potty break at about 10pm in the evening. Sweet beagle makes the nightly rounds about 10:30 or 11. After she does her busines she gives a final Ba-roo to all the neighborhood dogs to let them know all is well. Mom doesn't know her real name yet, so we just call her Ba-roo after her signature howl. Anyways, after she does this every pup in the neighborhood becomes super quiet for the evening. Even we lay down and Mom doesn't hear another peep out of us until morning! So tonight we say nighty, night and a Barooo to you to! Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Hello Every puppers! Prince here and I just thought I would show you some pics from our lazy Sunday. Naps are farely common at our house, but lazy Sundays are few and far between. Mom and Dad are pretty active, especially when the weather is good, but today it was cold and wet outside and Mom and Dad thought it was a day well spent resting. Many of us at the house agreed and joined in the snoozing.

(My handsome self already in place to let the snoozing begin. It begins by advantageously picking the best spot in the house and having all of your bathroom breaks, food stops and water drinking done. The rule in our house is you move -you lose. Your spot goes to the next encroaching tired baby.

Here I am getting comfy and commencing to meditate. Our friend Mango does a lot of meditating we hear! Mom says it's good for the body and the mind. I am in complete agreement as long as my meditation spot is soft!

Even kitty cat Cleo jumped up and decided to join the fun. She usually doesn't care for all of us puppies, but today she was in an especially friendly mood and didn't even attempt to chase us off the bed.

This furball is our kitty Binksy. Which end is which I'll leave you to figure out, but I assure you there is a cat in there with all the accessories. She comes fully loaded with a very sharp set of claws, but she is such a nice kitty that we rarely even make her think about having to use them.

Mom Note: All of our cats and dogs live fairly harmoniously; however, special care has to be taken when Bailey is roaming the house to make sure he doesn't taste test any of them. I think they make Bailey more nervous than he makes them. The other two dogs are careful to watch for the kitties, but mostly because they don't want to accidentally sit on one and get a surprise!

Finally after hours of resting, I had to get up and go for a potty break and look who jumped up and grabbed the coveted warm spot while I was out taking care of business! What a brat! I told Mommy it was mine first, but she was hearing none of it because she lost her spot too.

Aha! Ruger thought he heard something downstairs, so he jumped down and I took my rightful spot back! Loser! Anyways, I hope everyone out there is enjoying a lazy Sunday like we are. Momma is still on her elusive Bailey picture quest, since she now has a couple hundred blurred photos or photos where she says he looks like the demon dog with red eyes, even when she doesn't use the flash! Hopefully, she gets a pic soon because I'm feeling a little neglected being the hammy dog I am! Have a wonderful day every pup!
Prince all poohed out!