Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cone Head Bailey

Ruff everyone,
This is a picture of me, Bailey, when I had an allergic reaction to my shampoo. Out of site in this pic is my bum which I scratched until it was very sore and I did it so fast that when Mom saw it we had to go immediately to the emergency V.E.T!It is an old picture, but since my pet humans don't have any recent ones I am posting this one. Even with the cone I am the most handsomest of us all, even though Rugus thinks he is. My humans wanted me from a puppy and I came to their house when I was 10 weeks old. I was very upset that I did not get to go to their wedding, but I was not done weening from my mommy yet. I'm gonna go find some more pictures so wish me luck.
Ruff at ya laters.


  1. You bited your bottom? I can't even reach mine!

    The cone look is a bit disturbing. Glad you aren't still wearing it.


  2. Yay we finally get to Meet Bailey! Pretty handsome even with the cone!Glad you aren't wearing it anymore, they are a real bummer for everyone in the house!
