Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Land of Lincoln Labbies Live Up to Their Blog Name

Hello Every Puppers! Momma has recently been helping us live up to our bloggie name by taking us for adventures to the local Lincoln sites. As you may or may not have realized we are from Springfield, Illinois which is cosequently known as the Land of Lincoln and home to many Abraham Lincoln historical sites. So the Labies got together with our Mom and Dad and decided to take you for a virtual tour of our town. Every couple of days, we will be posting a little information along with pics of our visits to celebrate Lincoln's 200th birthday.We hope everyone enjoys our tour of the town along with our few tidbits of knowledge concerning Lincoln.

The Lincoln Home
First up on out virtual tour is the Lincoln Home which is a National Historic Site. This is the first and only home that Abraham Lincoln ever purchased. When it was purchased it was a 1 1/2 story house which was expanded to a full two stories to accomodate the eventual family of six.

(Dad, Prince, and Bailey pictured here in front of the historic Lincoln homestead.)

The house and the surrounding homes on the block appear much the same as they did in 1860's. The Lincoln family remained in this house for 17 years. When Lincoln won the Presedential election the family departed from this home in 1861 bound for Washington D.C. After Lincoln left for Washington, he never returned to Springfield while living; however, his body was returned here for burial.

(Mom and Bailey looking our best infront of the Lincoln home.)

(Momma on the steps with Prince at the Lincoln home)

Lastly this is our expose' pic with our Dad. Since we are puppies, we are not allowed inside but our Mom highly recommends visiting this site for a virtual tour of the inside of the home.
http://www.nps.gov/features/liho/home/home.htm. Make sure you take notice of how small the chairs and how short the beds were considering Lincoln's great height. Momma always thinks they all look more like children's furniture than normal adult furniture especially for a man of his stature! Hope you all enjoyed our tour and you stay tuned for our next tour. Have a pawsatively wonderful day!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tip Toe Through the Tulips

Hello Every Pup! Just thought we would write and tell everyone out there that our Momma was an especially good Momma this past weekend and took two of us for a new photo op at the park.
Only two of us got to go this time because three of us are a bit much for Momma to handle. All three of us together are like almost 250lbs of doggies and that worries her if we were to chase the squirrels while she is holding on to our leashes. Anyways, we had an especially good time playing and Momma promised Ruger he would get to go for his photo op soon.... She thought we should post our best photos among the tulips in the park and she even used some of them on our new flashy header.

Bailey Dog looking his best!

Prince even joined in on the action and hammied it up for Momma......

Move over dingy little brother the Momma has something that smells good in her bag and its all mine!

We even played and Momma sprung for breakfast at the big M in the sky. We know we are not supposed to be eating people foodables but Momma said we were so good that a little spoiling wouldn't hurt us. This is a pic after breakfast because we ate so quickly Momma couldn't catch a pic of us in the act.....

Here is Bailey with his best googly eyed look after eating human foodables. See why Momma never feeds us any of the good stuff Bailey. You look plum crazy afterwards instead of trying to be normal like me, Princee poo.

Well we ate breakfast, took pics, went for a long walk and now I think we're ready to go for a ride again. We've smelled all of the action at this park so let's move on.....

Tired out and glad to be at home snoozing the rest of the day away. Momma has promised us a pool party adventure soon, but it keeps turning cold here so we are waiting as patiently as labbies can for warmer weather and our pool opening! Have a great day puppers!
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Pee Ess: Our buddy Mango celebrated his 4th barkday yesterday , so wander over to his site and don't forget to wish a belated barkday to this big handsome guy!