Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We've had a tough summer and fall but now we're back!

Hello every puppers!
Well it's been quite awhile since we blogged, but now we're back better than ever hopefully! We will be sharing some of our summer fun and get back to living up to our names as soon as the momma can possibly type our bloggie. We've had a rough year too and the Mommy and Daddy had to devote a lot of time to carrying for our bestest brother prince who suffered a brain aneurysm and required lots of special love and attention. Unfortunately there is not a doggie neurologist anywhere near where we live and so Momma and Daddy worked with our favorite Vet Dr. Randy and got our sweet older brother back to functioning capacity and almost up to full speed. A stranger would hardly notice a problem except for he's a little slower but Momma owes that to him almost being ten years old! We saw our buddy Mango is hosting another great Mangominster and we can't wait to dig through our photos and possibly participate! Tonight We saw Biggie Z is hosting the santioned event Dog pile, so we told Momma she should take a picture of our princee poo modeling his pile. ;-) He loves to be the center of attention and we all laughed as we piled our toys on him for this picture:

Prince was a really good sport, although he looked somewhat confused since he was unsure why his toys were attacking him while he napped. Also, we told Momma we need skinnier toys next time because our fat head toys just don't want to stay on Princee. Mom laughed because she told us it reminded her of some movie named E.T. when she was a kid. Prince reminded her of when the E.T. hid amongst all the stuffed animals. We'll just assume Mom is old since we don't have any idea of what she is talking about. Anyways, hope to be visiting all the bloggies soon!

(Momma note: Prince suffered from a Brain Aneurysm last July and has had a long recovery. Hence, we have only stopped by blogland occassionally to see what everyone was up too. Although this diagnosis sounds very scary, Prince is recovering very well! It began when we noticed small deficits in his sight and motor activity over a day or two and then one morning he woke up and could do nothing but walk in a circle until the point at which he would lie on his side and continue as though he were walking. After rushing him to our ever vigilant vet, he told us that he thought at first Prince was suffering from a farely rare illness of older dogs (I forget the name) but it is where their senses become confused due to an inner ear issue. It usually clears up after a few days of sedation and few weeks of treatment. However after undergoing sedation and few weeks of treatment, Prince began to regain his function and move correctly but extremely slowly. It was at this point the Vet was more easily able to assess his motor skills and fully realized that he had suffered an aneurysm. As a result he had only about 20% of his eyesight, but was able to move around fine as long as we didn't rearrange the furniture. He has slowly gained all his cognitive and motor functions back and maneuvers quite well. I even think he has gained more of his eyesight back as this became apparent when he actually attempted to fetch a ball and run with the other dogs recently. Unfortunately, he still has selective hearing!

Hope everyone is doing well and feel free to give us a bark as to what has been going on lately!

The land of Lincoln Labbies- Prince, Baily, and Ruger


  1. I found you through Moose's blog...I hope Prince continues to improve!

  2. I wondered where you labbies disappeared to! I am sorry to hear what Prince has been through and yes aneurysm sounds super scary! I am glad he is doing so well, obviously your pack has taken excellent care of him! Shame about the selective hearing though. Moose is a long time sufferer and clearly it is incurable ;-)
    We hope you do enter Mango Minster, it is going to be fun! Moose is one of the celebrity judges! That is an excellent entry for dogpile! I may try with Moose but doubt he will be a good sport about it!

  3. Wow have you been through it, I hope there is nothing but smooth sailing ahead of you.

    Nice pile! :)

  4. Goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such trouble, but think that you are really brave to have come back and entered the herding group in Mango Minster. I was just wondering what it is that you herd? It wasn't mentioned in your entry, and I haven't seen in it a quick scan of your blog either. You ARE entered, but I was just wondering... OC Herding Judge of Mango Minster 2010
