1. I was adopted from Cedar Bend Humane Society in Iowa. Mommy and Daddy drove five whole hours to get me and it was love at first sight.
2. I am faster at fetch than my brothers Prince and Bailey and I am also a ball hog, but since I can swallow Tennis balls Mom has to find extra giant sized tennis balls for me and unfortunately they only come in one manly color at our pet store- pink. Please don't tell anyone I fetch with pink oversized Tennis balls. I am so embarrassed!
3. I am a people watcher from the window. I love to watch people just being peoples!
4. I am an avid television fan and like to watch often. My favorites are the dog shows on Animal Planet and Sponge Bob Square Pants.
5. When I came to live in my furever home Mommy tried to teach me stay by signaling like the school crossing guard when he says stop, but I kept running up to her and smacking her with my paw. Finally, she realized that someone had taught me how to high five and had to come up with a new visual signal for me. Pretty cool I was able to teach Mommy a new trick!
6. I have a large smooshy face with lots of extra skin and sometimes my lip gets caught up on one side of my mouth and makes Momma laugh and call me snaggle tooth.
7. Momma says we have a scwim poo (swim pool) just for puppies, but I have never yet had the pleasure of trying it out since I came in fall of last year at it was too cold to go for a scwim.
8. I have to be given a pillow to lay on or nothing at all because for some reason if the pawrents give me a fuzzy blanket, I stalk it, run at it, roll it in a ball and try to get it on. Hump blankies are no longer allowed at my house since I could wear myself out and become a humpmeister!
9. I suffer from helicoptor tail. You all have seen dogs with this kind of tail action. When I get really excited my tail spins wildly in circles just like a helicoptor, but Mom says it acts like a tornado!
10. I am the bane of all stuffies. I can destroy a stuffie in 5 seconds or less. I cannot be left alone with stuffies for even a second or they come out my other end days later!
Well, I think that's about it for me so tomoorow I will let Bailey tell you 10 things you probably didn't know about him. He's very 007, so maybe he will have some exciting things to tell.
Have a great day Puppers!
Congrats on your award! We HAD a swimming pool, but Pappy, the brat tore it up when he got mad about DawgMom not playin ball anymore that day!
ReplyDeleteFeather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
ReplyDeleteMy tail does that too when I am extra happy. Don't get too excited about that swim pool because if its like ours it is very small. I'm a hump meister too, but only on stuffies (OK, and the occasional labragal when available).
Hey Rugamoose! We just saw this nickname and love it because it sounds like you are a real Moose of a lab like my Moose! Awesome scraps too! You sound hilarious!