The labbies are not up to much today. The sky is leaking here and Momma says we all need some outside playtime because we're driving her crazy! Last night, Mommy and Daddy had an exciting night that ended with the police knocking on the door at 2:30 in the morning! The nice police officer asked Mommy if she let someone borrow her scooter! Scooter, what, huh? She was so out of it and half asleep she couldn't even grasp what they were saying to her until she looked out and saw that it was gone.
GONE! We thought the mommy was having a heart attack. You would have to understand Momma's odd relationship with the scooter. She refers to it as the blue bad boy followed by motorcycle sounds when she is discussing it with someone. Mommy and Daddy bought it about a year ago in the middle of last summer due to the outrageous gas prices and Momma loves to ride it. She only got to put 225 miles on it last summer before she had to put it up for winter! Just this weekend, Dad and Mom decided to get it out for spring. It had only been out for three whole days when someone decided to steal it! Can you believe they would have the audacity to try and kidnap the Blue Bad Boy.( We probably shouldn't let them know she would have paid a hefty ransom to get it back.) Anyways, after Momma verified that she most certainly did not let anyone borrow the BBB, the nice officer at our door told her that he needed her to come identify it as they had recovered it in the back of someone's truck when they pulled them over! Momma was on it in a jiffy, she had to go rescue BBB! Daddy and Mommy quickly got dressed and ran to the rescue. When they got to where the BBB
was Momma almost had another heart attack, not only had they stolen him, but they maimed him in the process. Apparently, the degenerates thought it was necessary to torture BBB! How dare they! Apparently, two individuals (we'll call them individuals because Momma has proper names for them she says) thought it was a good idea to quickly hoist BBB sideways into the back of the truck and drive off. BBB weighs a ton and to top it all off Momma always locks the front wheel in place to avoid it being easy to steal. Because they couldn't maneuver it very easy they just threw it in sideways and now BBB has war wounds. They broke his mirror and scratched him. Momma is just mad, but very grateful he has been recovered thanks to our local police department. Momma leaves you all with a pic of a BBB look alike......

On to less exciting news, The labbies have been stuck inside today due to the leaking sky and Momma has been trying to entertain since she got home from work, but these pups need some out side time! We tried pig ears for awhile.....

We even helped Dad with the cleaning and dusting even though he was sitting down on the job...

We took a leisurely nap on the humans bed......

We even practiced being brown labbies in the bad lighting....

Well that's about it for our day of driving Mommy crazy. We got to rough housing and she sent us down stairs so we wouldn't break anything. She says we are like bulls in a china shop! Have a great day every puppers!
Oh No!! Want us to get the number for our ADT dudes so they can install a screamin' box at your house too? DawgMom says it has moshun detecktor thingies on it. Our sky has been leakin too & we're drivin DawgMom crazy all day too.
ReplyDeleteFeather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Oh Dear! What a night! I myself woke up to 3 sherrif cruisers lights in front of my house!No clue what happened (thankfully nothing involving the moose lodge but kinda odd coincidence!
ReplyDeleteSorry that BBB sustained injuries but hopefully he will be fixed good as new soon.
As to your comment... oh the guilt! I absolutely can not keep him but Moose will definitely miss him and so will I! My house is tiny and the rough housing of 200lbs worth of dog is overwhelming! He goes to his new foster home on Friday because I am headed out to sea next week and I am not looking forward to dropping him off. It will be very sad. This 'short term' foster has been here for 6 weeks! < snif > It breaks my heart too that he has been here so long that he thinks this is his home :'-(He is a hardy pup though so I know he will be ok.
Good thing those coppers found BBB. They must have heard him screaming for your mom. I hope they lock up those individuals with the proper names.
ReplyDeleteNow labs, you should be sort of happy you aren't going outside. My mom always drags me out in the pouring rain and it's like torture. Even worse than the torture BBB has to go through.
Ha ha! I drive my momma nuts on rainy days too. Personally, I'm not bothered by it, but since I hate to go outside alone and some peoples don't want to get wet, I have to stay inside and become a deranged labradude.
P.S. I can't even have a chewy because I can only get them if dumb Mango can have one outside because he is such a big bully.
Fellow labradogs! I left you a challenge on my bloggy. Come and get it.