(Warning: Some of the descriptions may be a tad graphic)
Recently we posted that most of us here have been sick recently. Mom and Dad are okay and can tolerate being sick, knowing that it will pass; however, it is the worse thing when your puppy is sick. At least as a human you can vocalize your needs and wants to someone, but a dog just goes through lots of guessing games when they are sick. Who wants someone guessing what is wrong and what they should do for you when you are sick? Mom and Dad feel especially bad when Ruger recently got sick because he was just not able to tell us things for the most part and he just laid around looking very sad and green or running for the door with a case of what our friends Mango and Dexter would call Dye your ears. I wonder if that is like Dye your eggs this time of year? ;-) Anyways, Ruger has pulled through okay and appears much better than he was just a few days ago, but Mom thought she would share some of her not so hot moments of being a Labbie Momma. Now we can all laugh with this experience gladly behind us.
It all started Friday Night very late about 3:00 am. Ruger is kennel trained and usually goes out once in the middle of the night, but for the most part is a very good puppy at night after he has been put to bed as are all of our labbies. He will occasionally bark once if he needs to go out in the mean time though. About 3:00 in the morning my husband sent them all out to do their duty. They all came back in as normal and resumed to sleep until Ruger Roo started crying about 3:30 am in his kennel. Having never had him do this, I immediately ran to check on him. I let him out and he runs lickety split for the door. Crisis averted- he made it out the door and into the backyard. I just thought maybe he didn't finish his job completely while he was out there the first time, so I didn't think much of it. When he was done in the yard he came in and headed straight for the kennel. about 20 minutes later we repeat this whole pattern again. At this point, Ruger has never cried repeatedly, so I turn on the light to make sure he is really okay and he appears okay???? except for watery, droopy eyes and this very green look on his face. We continued going out every 20 minutes all night long and I layed down on the carpet next to his kennel and left his door open so he could get out if need be. He was so tired and the Dye your ears was finally subsiding around 7:30 in the morning or so I thought. At this point, Ruger was finally sleeping peacefully so I closed the kennel door so no one would bother him ( cat sistas think they want to pester him sometimes) and headed upstairs to take a shower. I woke my husband up and told him what was going on and to listen for Ruger while I took a shower.
Off to the shower I go. I would swear I was only in there like 10 minutes and hubby was on watch. In ten minutes, I think hell broke loose at our house. I come out of the shower to hear my husband trying to get Ruger out the back door and this awful smell. Poor Ruger......he had an explosion in his kennel and I think it must have happened while he was sleeping because hubby said he never whined or barked and was kind of out of it when hubby was ushering him out the door. Hubby was nice enough to clean his kennel and I went outside to observe the Roogster. Poor Ruger was poopie all over and smelled terrible, so I loaded him in the back of the SUV to go to the doggie car wash nearby. I also thought the fresh air blowing on him might help and it would give hubby some time to clean up the kennel. Bad idea because I have never seen a dog be so sick and now it was coming out both ends! Thank goodness the SUV can be hosed out easily and has a bedliner in the back. We continued to the doggie wash and as soon as he saw where we were at he perked right up and jumped in the tub. I felt bad bathing a sick puppy, but I couldn't let him back in the house in his current state and I was hoping a warm bath might make him feel better. Luckily it did and he looked much brighter afterwards. We cleaned out the back of the SUV, wiped it out, and home we went with Ruger hanging his head out the window catching some breeze. I thought the worse was over and since I worked for a Vet at one time, I called my trusty veterinarian to see if I needed to bring Ruger in or what I should do. Apparently, every dog in the greater Springfield area is suffering from the same thing and since he is a thirty mile drive away, he suggested I try some pepto and let him rest and to call back if things were not improving because we didn't want him to dehydrate. I know from working at the Vet office most things pass on their own given a little time and attention, but it is so different when your own puppy is sick. You just want help now! I took the advice and did what was recommended. Hubby had to go run some errands and I was so tired, I gladly offered to treat Ruger and let him lay on the bed close to me so I could hear if someting was wrong, besides he was squeaky clean. This is where Ruger starts putting on his antics and must have started feeling a little better. Just see for yourself.......

Ohhhhhhh, Rohhhhhh, Rohhhhhhh! I am so sick and my tummy hurts! Mommy please do someting, anything for me! Help a puppy will you!

Mom are you sleeping on duty!? What the dog are you doing.....I'm sick here for Dog's sake. What's a puppy to do when the nurse takes a nap? Look even my eyes look as green as I feel. Mom, Mom, Mommeeee!
After Ruger waking me up without reason several times, I decided to turn on the television. After doing this I discovered he truly was like a child. I am flipping nonchalantly through the channels to find something good to watch, when I pass Sponge Bob Squarepants. Everytime he hears Sponge Bob he perks up and sits at the end of the bed watching it. I thought he can't really be watching that, so I flipped the channel and he quits watching. I then put it back at Sponge Bob and he is back at the end of the bed watching contently. Crazy puppy! Dad then comes home and decides to keep Ruger company on the bed and watch a little television with his puppy. I don't think watching Spongebob was what hubby had in mind.

Dad, Dad, Ohhhhh Dad! What the Dog are you doing on your watch? You are supposed to be taking care of me. Are you napping, too? What the dog is no one paying attention to me- Remember me - the sick puppy?
What might that be? Do my eyes deceive me? Oh my dog, I am so hungry after being sick all night and this morning. Look at that on the T. V. will you......

It's a burger! No a burger guy... what is that delicious looking item on my T.V. Mom, Mom, Mommeee, I could feel better now if I could only have one of those..... Rut, Roh, now mom knows I'm no longer feeling sick so off the bed I go......
Ruger on the Run