Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Land of Lincoln Labbies Live Up to Their Blog Name

Hello Every Puppers! Momma has recently been helping us live up to our bloggie name by taking us for adventures to the local Lincoln sites. As you may or may not have realized we are from Springfield, Illinois which is cosequently known as the Land of Lincoln and home to many Abraham Lincoln historical sites. So the Labies got together with our Mom and Dad and decided to take you for a virtual tour of our town. Every couple of days, we will be posting a little information along with pics of our visits to celebrate Lincoln's 200th birthday.We hope everyone enjoys our tour of the town along with our few tidbits of knowledge concerning Lincoln.

The Lincoln Home
First up on out virtual tour is the Lincoln Home which is a National Historic Site. This is the first and only home that Abraham Lincoln ever purchased. When it was purchased it was a 1 1/2 story house which was expanded to a full two stories to accomodate the eventual family of six.

(Dad, Prince, and Bailey pictured here in front of the historic Lincoln homestead.)

The house and the surrounding homes on the block appear much the same as they did in 1860's. The Lincoln family remained in this house for 17 years. When Lincoln won the Presedential election the family departed from this home in 1861 bound for Washington D.C. After Lincoln left for Washington, he never returned to Springfield while living; however, his body was returned here for burial.

(Mom and Bailey looking our best infront of the Lincoln home.)

(Momma on the steps with Prince at the Lincoln home)

Lastly this is our expose' pic with our Dad. Since we are puppies, we are not allowed inside but our Mom highly recommends visiting this site for a virtual tour of the inside of the home.
http://www.nps.gov/features/liho/home/home.htm. Make sure you take notice of how small the chairs and how short the beds were considering Lincoln's great height. Momma always thinks they all look more like children's furniture than normal adult furniture especially for a man of his stature! Hope you all enjoyed our tour and you stay tuned for our next tour. Have a pawsatively wonderful day!

Free Signature Generator

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tip Toe Through the Tulips

Hello Every Pup! Just thought we would write and tell everyone out there that our Momma was an especially good Momma this past weekend and took two of us for a new photo op at the park.
Only two of us got to go this time because three of us are a bit much for Momma to handle. All three of us together are like almost 250lbs of doggies and that worries her if we were to chase the squirrels while she is holding on to our leashes. Anyways, we had an especially good time playing and Momma promised Ruger he would get to go for his photo op soon.... She thought we should post our best photos among the tulips in the park and she even used some of them on our new flashy header.

Bailey Dog looking his best!

Prince even joined in on the action and hammied it up for Momma......

Move over dingy little brother the Momma has something that smells good in her bag and its all mine!

We even played and Momma sprung for breakfast at the big M in the sky. We know we are not supposed to be eating people foodables but Momma said we were so good that a little spoiling wouldn't hurt us. This is a pic after breakfast because we ate so quickly Momma couldn't catch a pic of us in the act.....

Here is Bailey with his best googly eyed look after eating human foodables. See why Momma never feeds us any of the good stuff Bailey. You look plum crazy afterwards instead of trying to be normal like me, Princee poo.

Well we ate breakfast, took pics, went for a long walk and now I think we're ready to go for a ride again. We've smelled all of the action at this park so let's move on.....

Tired out and glad to be at home snoozing the rest of the day away. Momma has promised us a pool party adventure soon, but it keeps turning cold here so we are waiting as patiently as labbies can for warmer weather and our pool opening! Have a great day puppers!
Free Signature Generator
Pee Ess: Our buddy Mango celebrated his 4th barkday yesterday , so wander over to his site and don't forget to wish a belated barkday to this big handsome guy!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Honest Scrap Part 3

Hello Everypup! It's me Prince and Momma finally got a chance to be my secretary so I could tell you ten things about myself. So here it is:
1. I was adopted on Valentines Day many years ago as a present for my Daddy and as a friend and partner in crime to our dear boy Romeo who passed over the rainbow bridge last year.
2. Mom says she should have named me tigger because when I was young I would jump up and pull all four feet off the ground. I reminded her of a spring and I looked like I should be saying boing, instead of woof!
3. I am the oldest of our group and the most refined. I am a Prince you know! I am commonly referred to as a Momma's boy by the other puppies, but that is just because they are jealous of my close relationship with my momma.
4. Don't tell my brothers, but when no one is paying attention I often run off to nap with the kitties and they love me for it. I am not afraid of them at all and they think I am so gentle that sometimes they even let me sniff them! I have learned through years of experience they are very nice sistas if you don't attempt to taste them.
5. I take my stuffies to bed with me at night and keep careful watch, so no one steals my beloved toys.
6. I absolutely love our scwim poo in the backyard. I love to bask in the sun in the water! One day last summer, crazy Momma even thought I drowned. She looked out in the backyard to check on me when she thought she saw me laying down completely submerged. To her horror she ran out to save me and saw that I left the tip of my snooter out so I could breathe. I jumped out of the scwim poo to greet her and she was overjoyed to find everything was okay- I was just practicing snorkeling! Silly Momma!
7. I grunt when anyone rubs on me. I sound like Tim Taylor on Tool time, especially when I get my belly rubbed or my butt scratchies.
8. I really like to camp and have gone on many camping expeditions into the deep woods with my pawrents!
9. I have a slight heart condition, so when I play at the lake Mommy makes me wear a life jacket, so I don't get to worn out and sink. She hates it when the guys fishing at the lake say, "Hey lady, Ya know dogs can swim?" and then laugh at her. I like my life jacket because I can just lay in the water and float and it has handles so Dad can help pull me onto shore or onto our boat.
10. If you are not giving me enough attention, I will attempt to stick my nose on you and under your hand until you take appropriate action. For gosh sakes, pet a pup will you!That's about all I have to tell you all and we had a very exciting adventure recently that Momma will be updating you all about soon.
Hopefully, things will settle down for our secretary and she will get in the habit of letting us visit all the pups again soon! Princee poo

Monday, April 20, 2009

Honest Scrap part 2

Hi it's me the bad bad Bailey and I'm second to tell 10 secret things abut myself.

1. I am the bestest at guarding my humans. They pawsitively need the protection.

2. I don't like to fetch balls or toys, but I am the best at fetching the fetcher. I am great at catching Rugamooses tail.

3. I am the boss so I have to keep everyone in line even my humans.

4. I make sure kitties are all ok everyday so I can taste test them.

5. I have very severe allergies. I am allergic to soap and many medications.
6. I like to drag my toys out and watch them, because I am a toy watcher not a people watcher.

7. Squeakies are the best but only if someone else squeaks them.

8. Some of my favorite things I enjoy are fireside stories when im camping.

9. I am the keeper of foods for my humans when the raccoons attack our campsite.

10. I love to run in the fields at grandpaws house, because he has lots of room to run and play. I also appreciate chasing the bugs too.

This is me Bailey signing out so I will let Prince tell you 10 things you probably didn't know about him tomorrow. He's much older and shy, so maybe he will have some important wisdom to impart.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Honest Scrap! Part One

Our friends Mango and Dexter, recently gifted us with this Honest Scrap Award where you have to tell ten things about yourself and then gift it to friends. Momma tells all of our secrets, but we will try to come up with something juicy that you don't know about us. This could be tough!

First up is Ruger who would like to tell you about his handsome self.

1. I was adopted from Cedar Bend Humane Society in Iowa. Mommy and Daddy drove five whole hours to get me and it was love at first sight.

2. I am faster at fetch than my brothers Prince and Bailey and I am also a ball hog, but since I can swallow Tennis balls Mom has to find extra giant sized tennis balls for me and unfortunately they only come in one manly color at our pet store- pink. Please don't tell anyone I fetch with pink oversized Tennis balls. I am so embarrassed!

3. I am a people watcher from the window. I love to watch people just being peoples!

4. I am an avid television fan and like to watch often. My favorites are the dog shows on Animal Planet and Sponge Bob Square Pants.

5. When I came to live in my furever home Mommy tried to teach me stay by signaling like the school crossing guard when he says stop, but I kept running up to her and smacking her with my paw. Finally, she realized that someone had taught me how to high five and had to come up with a new visual signal for me. Pretty cool I was able to teach Mommy a new trick!

6. I have a large smooshy face with lots of extra skin and sometimes my lip gets caught up on one side of my mouth and makes Momma laugh and call me snaggle tooth.

7. Momma says we have a scwim poo (swim pool) just for puppies, but I have never yet had the pleasure of trying it out since I came in fall of last year at it was too cold to go for a scwim.

8. I have to be given a pillow to lay on or nothing at all because for some reason if the pawrents give me a fuzzy blanket, I stalk it, run at it, roll it in a ball and try to get it on. Hump blankies are no longer allowed at my house since I could wear myself out and become a humpmeister!

9. I suffer from helicoptor tail. You all have seen dogs with this kind of tail action. When I get really excited my tail spins wildly in circles just like a helicoptor, but Mom says it acts like a tornado!

10. I am the bane of all stuffies. I can destroy a stuffie in 5 seconds or less. I cannot be left alone with stuffies for even a second or they come out my other end days later!

Well, I think that's about it for me so tomoorow I will let Bailey tell you 10 things you probably didn't know about him. He's very 007, so maybe he will have some exciting things to tell.
Have a great day Puppers!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Too much excitement followed by an incredibly boring day!

The labbies are not up to much today. The sky is leaking here and Momma says we all need some outside playtime because we're driving her crazy! Last night, Mommy and Daddy had an exciting night that ended with the police knocking on the door at 2:30 in the morning! The nice police officer asked Mommy if she let someone borrow her scooter! Scooter, what, huh? She was so out of it and half asleep she couldn't even grasp what they were saying to her until she looked out and saw that it was gone. GONE! We thought the mommy was having a heart attack. You would have to understand Momma's odd relationship with the scooter. She refers to it as the blue bad boy followed by motorcycle sounds when she is discussing it with someone. Mommy and Daddy bought it about a year ago in the middle of last summer due to the outrageous gas prices and Momma loves to ride it. She only got to put 225 miles on it last summer before she had to put it up for winter! Just this weekend, Dad and Mom decided to get it out for spring. It had only been out for three whole days when someone decided to steal it! Can you believe they would have the audacity to try and kidnap the Blue Bad Boy.( We probably shouldn't let them know she would have paid a hefty ransom to get it back.) Anyways, after Momma verified that she most certainly did not let anyone borrow the BBB, the nice officer at our door told her that he needed her to come identify it as they had recovered it in the back of someone's truck when they pulled them over! Momma was on it in a jiffy, she had to go rescue BBB! Daddy and Mommy quickly got dressed and ran to the rescue. When they got to where the BBB
was Momma almost had another heart attack, not only had they stolen him, but they maimed him in the process. Apparently, the degenerates thought it was necessary to torture BBB! How dare they! Apparently, two individuals (we'll call them individuals because Momma has proper names for them she says) thought it was a good idea to quickly hoist BBB sideways into the back of the truck and drive off. BBB weighs a ton and to top it all off Momma always locks the front wheel in place to avoid it being easy to steal. Because they couldn't maneuver it very easy they just threw it in sideways and now BBB has war wounds. They broke his mirror and scratched him. Momma is just mad, but very grateful he has been recovered thanks to our local police department. Momma leaves you all with a pic of a BBB look alike......

On to less exciting news, The labbies have been stuck inside today due to the leaking sky and Momma has been trying to entertain since she got home from work, but these pups need some out side time! We tried pig ears for awhile.....

We even helped Dad with the cleaning and dusting even though he was sitting down on the job...

We took a leisurely nap on the humans bed......

We even practiced being brown labbies in the bad lighting....

Well that's about it for our day of driving Mommy crazy. We got to rough housing and she sent us down stairs so we wouldn't break anything. She says we are like bulls in a china shop! Have a great day every puppers!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bailey's Bio finally gets a photo

Hi Everypup! Okay it's not my best look but Mom was very proud of her effort after snapping a gazillion blurry Bailey pics. You can even tell I have pretty blue eyes in this photo! Mom says I'm quite the hammy, but unfortunately for her I am in perpetual motion so she gets either blurry like this........

Some of you with black dogs may also be familiar with pics that have a sort of possessed look like this......... Hey, hello is there anypup in there!?

or my favorite is the demon dog look. This happens even when the red eye reduction is used because I have very light blue eyes against a very dark background of furries .....

I'm still handsome even with the demon dog look, if I do say so myself. Anyways Mom has added my new photo to my bio section, so now I've officially arrived in blogland....Yippee! Feel free to write us and tell us any photo tips that might help our issues, especially some of you blue eyed Siberian friends out there. I am so happy about my addition I leave you with one more handsome photo of moi........

Have a great day every puppers!

Ruff at ya later!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tough Time Behind Us and All Better Now

(Warning: Some of the descriptions may be a tad graphic)
Recently we posted that most of us here have been sick recently. Mom and Dad are okay and can tolerate being sick, knowing that it will pass; however, it is the worse thing when your puppy is sick. At least as a human you can vocalize your needs and wants to someone, but a dog just goes through lots of guessing games when they are sick. Who wants someone guessing what is wrong and what they should do for you when you are sick? Mom and Dad feel especially bad when Ruger recently got sick because he was just not able to tell us things for the most part and he just laid around looking very sad and green or running for the door with a case of what our friends Mango and Dexter would call Dye your ears. I wonder if that is like Dye your eggs this time of year? ;-) Anyways, Ruger has pulled through okay and appears much better than he was just a few days ago, but Mom thought she would share some of her not so hot moments of being a Labbie Momma. Now we can all laugh with this experience gladly behind us.

It all started Friday Night very late about 3:00 am. Ruger is kennel trained and usually goes out once in the middle of the night, but for the most part is a very good puppy at night after he has been put to bed as are all of our labbies. He will occasionally bark once if he needs to go out in the mean time though. About 3:00 in the morning my husband sent them all out to do their duty. They all came back in as normal and resumed to sleep until Ruger Roo started crying about 3:30 am in his kennel. Having never had him do this, I immediately ran to check on him. I let him out and he runs lickety split for the door. Crisis averted- he made it out the door and into the backyard. I just thought maybe he didn't finish his job completely while he was out there the first time, so I didn't think much of it. When he was done in the yard he came in and headed straight for the kennel. about 20 minutes later we repeat this whole pattern again. At this point, Ruger has never cried repeatedly, so I turn on the light to make sure he is really okay and he appears okay???? except for watery, droopy eyes and this very green look on his face. We continued going out every 20 minutes all night long and I layed down on the carpet next to his kennel and left his door open so he could get out if need be. He was so tired and the Dye your ears was finally subsiding around 7:30 in the morning or so I thought. At this point, Ruger was finally sleeping peacefully so I closed the kennel door so no one would bother him ( cat sistas think they want to pester him sometimes) and headed upstairs to take a shower. I woke my husband up and told him what was going on and to listen for Ruger while I took a shower.
Off to the shower I go. I would swear I was only in there like 10 minutes and hubby was on watch. In ten minutes, I think hell broke loose at our house. I come out of the shower to hear my husband trying to get Ruger out the back door and this awful smell. Poor Ruger......he had an explosion in his kennel and I think it must have happened while he was sleeping because hubby said he never whined or barked and was kind of out of it when hubby was ushering him out the door. Hubby was nice enough to clean his kennel and I went outside to observe the Roogster. Poor Ruger was poopie all over and smelled terrible, so I loaded him in the back of the SUV to go to the doggie car wash nearby. I also thought the fresh air blowing on him might help and it would give hubby some time to clean up the kennel. Bad idea because I have never seen a dog be so sick and now it was coming out both ends! Thank goodness the SUV can be hosed out easily and has a bedliner in the back. We continued to the doggie wash and as soon as he saw where we were at he perked right up and jumped in the tub. I felt bad bathing a sick puppy, but I couldn't let him back in the house in his current state and I was hoping a warm bath might make him feel better. Luckily it did and he looked much brighter afterwards. We cleaned out the back of the SUV, wiped it out, and home we went with Ruger hanging his head out the window catching some breeze. I thought the worse was over and since I worked for a Vet at one time, I called my trusty veterinarian to see if I needed to bring Ruger in or what I should do. Apparently, every dog in the greater Springfield area is suffering from the same thing and since he is a thirty mile drive away, he suggested I try some pepto and let him rest and to call back if things were not improving because we didn't want him to dehydrate. I know from working at the Vet office most things pass on their own given a little time and attention, but it is so different when your own puppy is sick. You just want help now! I took the advice and did what was recommended. Hubby had to go run some errands and I was so tired, I gladly offered to treat Ruger and let him lay on the bed close to me so I could hear if someting was wrong, besides he was squeaky clean. This is where Ruger starts putting on his antics and must have started feeling a little better. Just see for yourself.......

Ohhhhhhh, Rohhhhhh, Rohhhhhhh! I am so sick and my tummy hurts! Mommy please do someting, anything for me! Help a puppy will you!

Mom are you sleeping on duty!? What the dog are you doing.....I'm sick here for Dog's sake. What's a puppy to do when the nurse takes a nap? Look even my eyes look as green as I feel. Mom, Mom, Mommeeee!

After Ruger waking me up without reason several times, I decided to turn on the television. After doing this I discovered he truly was like a child. I am flipping nonchalantly through the channels to find something good to watch, when I pass Sponge Bob Squarepants. Everytime he hears Sponge Bob he perks up and sits at the end of the bed watching it. I thought he can't really be watching that, so I flipped the channel and he quits watching. I then put it back at Sponge Bob and he is back at the end of the bed watching contently. Crazy puppy! Dad then comes home and decides to keep Ruger company on the bed and watch a little television with his puppy. I don't think watching Spongebob was what hubby had in mind.

Dad, Dad, Ohhhhh Dad! What the Dog are you doing on your watch? You are supposed to be taking care of me. Are you napping, too? What the dog is no one paying attention to me- Remember me - the sick puppy?

What might that be? Do my eyes deceive me? Oh my dog, I am so hungry after being sick all night and this morning. Look at that on the T. V. will you......
It's a burger! No a burger guy... what is that delicious looking item on my T.V. Mom, Mom, Mommeee, I could feel better now if I could only have one of those..... Rut, Roh, now mom knows I'm no longer feeling sick so off the bed I go......
Ruger on the Run

Sunday, April 5, 2009

We are back online-Finally

Hello Everypup,

The labbies are finally back online and so excited. Our Dad was recently sick followed by our Momma suffering from the sickies and even Ruger came down with whatever the family illness was. Isn't that crazy? (Momma Note: I realize that viruses and illnesses are species specific, but somehow we all had baically the same thing. I saw this occassionally when I worked at a Vet clinic, kids in a family would get sick and eventually the dogs would have similar symptoms of illness, but this is the first time I have ever experienced this in my own home! Vets and others will tell you it's not possible to spread most illnesses between a human and a dog, but I'm not convinced.) Anyways we are so happy to have picked up some new online buddies. Tibby,Amber Mae and the four Muskateers were nice enough to write us and we will be adding them as friends very soon. We are so excited to have new friends! Mom has been lurking on everyones site while sick, but just hasn't had the energy to type, but hopefully she will be back to working on our blog and visiting with everyone by the end of this week. We have missed being able to post and hopefully things will return to normal very soon!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back in the day, when I was a young pup.

Boy does this bring back memories. I was a small only child. This is me Bailey with my pet humans pretend kid Bradley and neighbor kid. I remember this day well playing in piles of leaves and riding a sk8board. I knew then that I was going to have a good life. Put your paws in the air! Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff!

Cone Head Bailey

Ruff everyone,
This is a picture of me, Bailey, when I had an allergic reaction to my shampoo. Out of site in this pic is my bum which I scratched until it was very sore and I did it so fast that when Mom saw it we had to go immediately to the emergency V.E.T!It is an old picture, but since my pet humans don't have any recent ones I am posting this one. Even with the cone I am the most handsomest of us all, even though Rugus thinks he is. My humans wanted me from a puppy and I came to their house when I was 10 weeks old. I was very upset that I did not get to go to their wedding, but I was not done weening from my mommy yet. I'm gonna go find some more pictures so wish me luck.
Ruff at ya laters.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pictureless Thursday

Some Pups have Wordless Wednesdays or True color Thursdays, but our Secretary today is lame and she is posting Pictureless Thursday! Why would she do such a thing? Well, Mom forgot to pick up batteries on the last running of the errands and the camera is temporarily out of commission. Anyways, we thought we would tell you all about our sweet little neighbordog on our pictureless Thursday. Luckily, we live in a dog friendly neighborhood that is about a block from one of the nicest parks in the city. Most people have a couple of pups at every house nearby and we are pretty good neighborhood protection. Normally, we are quiet unless there are strangers in the neighborhood and then all the pups give a shout out to let them know they are being watched. A few months ago, we got a new neighbor dog. She is a sweet little beagle and her humans walk her at regular intervals throughout the day. However, since moving to the neighborhood she has started this habit of being the last dog to check the neighborhood out at night. Oddly enough, we are restless until she lets us know everything is okay. We have our last potty break at about 10pm in the evening. Sweet beagle makes the nightly rounds about 10:30 or 11. After she does her busines she gives a final Ba-roo to all the neighborhood dogs to let them know all is well. Mom doesn't know her real name yet, so we just call her Ba-roo after her signature howl. Anyways, after she does this every pup in the neighborhood becomes super quiet for the evening. Even we lay down and Mom doesn't hear another peep out of us until morning! So tonight we say nighty, night and a Barooo to you to! Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Hello Every puppers! Prince here and I just thought I would show you some pics from our lazy Sunday. Naps are farely common at our house, but lazy Sundays are few and far between. Mom and Dad are pretty active, especially when the weather is good, but today it was cold and wet outside and Mom and Dad thought it was a day well spent resting. Many of us at the house agreed and joined in the snoozing.

(My handsome self already in place to let the snoozing begin. It begins by advantageously picking the best spot in the house and having all of your bathroom breaks, food stops and water drinking done. The rule in our house is you move -you lose. Your spot goes to the next encroaching tired baby.

Here I am getting comfy and commencing to meditate. Our friend Mango does a lot of meditating we hear! Mom says it's good for the body and the mind. I am in complete agreement as long as my meditation spot is soft!

Even kitty cat Cleo jumped up and decided to join the fun. She usually doesn't care for all of us puppies, but today she was in an especially friendly mood and didn't even attempt to chase us off the bed.

This furball is our kitty Binksy. Which end is which I'll leave you to figure out, but I assure you there is a cat in there with all the accessories. She comes fully loaded with a very sharp set of claws, but she is such a nice kitty that we rarely even make her think about having to use them.

Mom Note: All of our cats and dogs live fairly harmoniously; however, special care has to be taken when Bailey is roaming the house to make sure he doesn't taste test any of them. I think they make Bailey more nervous than he makes them. The other two dogs are careful to watch for the kitties, but mostly because they don't want to accidentally sit on one and get a surprise!

Finally after hours of resting, I had to get up and go for a potty break and look who jumped up and grabbed the coveted warm spot while I was out taking care of business! What a brat! I told Mommy it was mine first, but she was hearing none of it because she lost her spot too.

Aha! Ruger thought he heard something downstairs, so he jumped down and I took my rightful spot back! Loser! Anyways, I hope everyone out there is enjoying a lazy Sunday like we are. Momma is still on her elusive Bailey picture quest, since she now has a couple hundred blurred photos or photos where she says he looks like the demon dog with red eyes, even when she doesn't use the flash! Hopefully, she gets a pic soon because I'm feeling a little neglected being the hammy dog I am! Have a wonderful day every pup!
Prince all poohed out!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Hanging Out at Home

Ruger here and I thought I would post this very cool pic of me and my Dad hanging out together. Mom snapped it the other night when I was having some one on one time and thought it gives all the pups out there an idea of how big I really am. Dad is a fair size human man about 5'8'' tall. Here I am practicing being a lap dog. Mom is still trying to get the hang of designing our blog and trying to get portraits of us to place with our personal info. So far Both Prince and I have a pic, but our brother from another mother- Bailey moves so much and is so busy that all Mom is able to get are blurry photos of him passing by, but she says she will keep trying. As soon as the weather gets better, we are hoping to have some outings to all of the Lincoln sites here in Springfield, Illinois and tell of our adventures and show pics of our fine looking selves visiting them. Let's hope Mom gets this blogging thing under control soon because we love to hear about other pups and their exciting adventures!
Ruger on the run.......

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Blog Experience

Our Mom/ Secretary is working to get us started bloggging. Please check back soon to see our newly constructed work of art and to learn all about us growing up labbie in the Land of Lincoln!